Italian National SDC Scholarship 2024


The Italian National SDC Scholarship offers comprehensive funding for international students to pursue graduate programs in Italy.

Scholarship Overview

  • Host Country: Italy
  • Study Location: Europe
  • Levels: Postgraduate, PhD
  • Eligible Nations: All countries
  • Benefits: Full scholarship, €16,243 annual stipend, tax exemptions
  • No IELTS Required
  • Deadline: July 26, 2024

Scholarship Details

The three-year PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate Change (PhD-SDC) prepares students to tackle climate-related issues, focusing on technological advances, natural resources, migration, human rights, food and water access, and quality of life.

Eligibility Requirements

Candidates must:

  1. Be of any age or nationality.
  2. Possess a Master’s degree or equivalent foreign qualification.
  3. Pending graduates must submit their degree certificate by December 13, 2024.


  1. Annual stipend of €16,243.
  2. Exemption from IRPEF income tax.
  3. Contributions to the Italian National Institute of Social Security (INPS).

Program Themes

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  1. Earth System and Environment
  2. Socio-economic Risk and Impacts
  3. Technology and Territory
  4. Theories, Institutions, and Cultures
  5. Agriculture and Forestry
  6. Health and Ecosystems

Application Process

To apply:

  1. Visit the application page.
  2. Complete the online application form.
  3. Submit required documents.
  4. Applications due by July 26, 2024.


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