Fully funded: University of Cape Town and African Centre for Cities Invite Global Applicants


Are you anticipating studying on a fully sponsored scholarship? The University of Cape Town, under the umbrella of the African Center for Cities (ACC), is inviting qualified candidates worldwide to apply for the 2024 scholarship program. This scholarship provides everything students need for full concentration, free from financial burdens. If you win this scholarship, you will receive $17,000, renewable for up to three years, plus additional funding for fieldwork and travel expenses.

Scholarship Details

The ACC is offering scholarships as part of the CLAIMS to Energy Citizenship project, funded by DANIDA (2024-2028). The project focuses on energy transitions in South Africa and includes three work packages (WPs):

WP1: Investigates everyday practices and activism related to energy access, led by Prof. Karen Waltorp from the University of Copenhagen.

WP2: Examines sub-national state processes in energy system transitions, led by Dr. Liza Cirolia at the African Centre for Cities.

WP3: Integrates insights from WP1 and WP2 to develop a comprehensive view of infrastructural citizenship, led by the project team.

Qualification for the 2024 University of Cape Town Scholarship

The following are must-have for all interested Cape Town Scholarship Applicants:

• Educational background: Master’s degree in anthropology, geography, sociology, urban studies, or a similar field.
• Research Experience: Demonstrated ability and willingness to perform field-based ethnographic research in underprivileged urban residential settings, including Khayelitsha.
• Project Participation: Be prepared to actively participate in the project, including conducting research that supports the overall project aims and attending workshops and activities.
• Capability: Be willing and able to travel to Europe for exchange and training opportunities.
• Recommended Qualifications (not mandatory)
• Proficiency in visual or multimodal anthropology (documentary, podcast, and arts practice).
• Experience in energy research in South Africa.
• Fluency in isiXhosa.

Advantages of the 2024 University of Cape Town Scholarship

• The scholarship offers an annual payment of ZAR 315,000, renewable for up to three years based on good annual progress.
• Additional funding will be offered for fieldwork and travel expenses.

Documents needed for the 2024 University of Cape Town Scholarship

All the applicants are expected to have and get ready the following documents:

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• Letter of application (maximum two pages)
• Curriculum Vitae (maximum 2 pages)
• Academic certificates and transcripts
• Writing sample (250 words)

To apply for the Cape Town Scholarship, visit the application portal by clicking the button below.

To avoid disqualification, ensure you fill out the application form before the stipulated deadline (July 19th, 2024).



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